Страница Vik Van-Brantegem ВКонтакте

Фотография Vik Van-Brantegem ВКонтакте

Vik Van-Brantegem

77 лет, Macerata Campania, Италия
Статус: Vik van Brantegem

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Macerata Campania







Дата рождения

2 декабря 1946

Полных лет

77 лет

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17 июня 2024 в 15:43

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Assistente emerito della Sala Stampa della Santa Sede Fondatore e Editore di www.korazym.org Responsabile della Comunicazione della Real Commissione per l'Italia del Sacro Militare Ordine di San Giorgio

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Universiteit Gent (UGent)

Интересы и увлечения

Пару слов о себе

Victor Vital van Brantegem Willems - Born on 2 December in Mol (B), father Alfons a baker and pastry chief, mother Marie-Louise Willems a housekeeper - Baptised in the Catholic Church on 5 December 1946 in Mol (B) - Elementary School in Balen (B) from 1952 till 1958 - Confirmed in the Catholic Church on 23 April 1959 in Balen (B) - From 1985 till 2013 Holy See Press Office Official in charge of media logistics at the occasion of the Pastoral Visits of the Holy Father in Italy, of the coordination of “Vatican Accredited Media Personnel - VAMP” (accredited journalists traveling on the Papal Plane) at the occasion of International Apostolic Voyages of the Holy Father. and of the supervision of still photographers and cameramen during Briefings and Press Conferences in the Holy See Press Office - Delegate of the Director of the Holy See Press Office in charge of the Temporary Office for the publication and translation of the information of the Synod of Bishops - General Coordinator of the Media Center 2011 of Vatican City State and Holy See at the occasion of the Beatification of Pope John Paul II - General Coordinator of the Media Center for the Sede Vacante 2013 of Vatican City State and Holy See - Advisor of the General Coordinator of the Extraordinary Temporary Information Structure and General Manager of the Media Center 2014 of the Holy See Press Office and Vatican City State at the occasion of Canonizzation of Pope John XXIII and Pope John-Paul II - Editor of the Website Korazym.org, from March 2003 till present. - Nominated by Pope Francis Commendatore (Knight Commander) in the Order of Saint Gregorius the Great on 15 November 2013. - Senior Advisor of the General Coordinator of the Extraordinary Information Structure and General Manager in charge of the planning, the construction and the running of the Media Center 2014 of the Holy See Press Office and Vatican City State at the occasion of Canonizzation of Pope John XXIII and Pope John-Paul II, from 7 March till 7 May 2014 - Awarded the International Award "Tu es Petrus", at Battipaglia on 16 April 2016 - Knight of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George, Head of Communications, Chancellery of the Royal Commission for Italy, 17 June 2019

Мои интересы

Non è nelle mie intenzioni diffondere mia ipsissima verba: “Il principio base dell’azione pedagogica di Vik van Brantegem non è quello di divulgare il proprio personale pensiero, che tale resterà, piuttosto un meccanismo fondato ad allenare le persone alla metacognizione” (Valentina Villano). It is not my intention to spread my ipsissima verba.: "The basic principle of the pedagogical action of Vik van Brantegem is not to divulge his personal thinking, which will remain as such, but rather a mechanism based on training people to metacognition" (Valentina Villano). Het is niet mijn bedoeling om mijn ipsissima verba te verspreiden: "Het basisprincipe van de pedagogische actie van Vik van Brantegem is niet zijn persoonlijke denken te onthullen, dat als zodanig zal blijven, maar eerder een mechanisme gebaseerd op het trainen van mensen tot metacognitie" ( Valentina Villano). * * * "Auf einfache Wege schickt man nur die Schwachen - Per vie senza pericoli si mandano soltanto i deboli” (Hermann Hesse). “Leute mit Mut und Charakter sind den anderen Leuten immer sehr unheimlich - Chi possiede coraggio e carattere risulta sempre molto inquietante per gli altri” (Hermann Hesse)

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