Страница Vlad Kaplya ВКонтакте

Фотография Vlad Kaplya ВКонтакте

Vlad Kaplya

27 лет,

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Обо мне









Дата рождения

20 июня 1996

Полных лет

27 лет

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Был онлайн ВКонтакте

10 декабря 2021 в 16:40

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*Я лучше залью стек в бою чем отдам без боя блайнд как последний лох (с)
**dropdead.co: Unfortunately we are unable to ship orders to the following countries: Algeria, Belarus, Congo, Cote D'Ivoire, Cuba, Egypt, Eritrea, Guinea, Iran, Iraq, Liberia, Libya, Myanmar, Somalia, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia and Zimbabwe.
***Nick Nicko
5 месяцев назад (ot 16.10.2017)
Ещё раз о "Марио" на клавишах) РЕБЯТА - кто не жил в те времена не поймёт, вот его кепка(блайзер) - это ШЕДЕВР за ОГРОМНЫЕ ДЕНЬГИ!!! Я свой первый блайзер купил в 1989 году, за 50 РУБЛЕЙ! Так то была кепка, с обычным белым принтом, а у него на блайзере ШЕВРОН - это от 100 рублей, если найдёшь! Для примера в то время, зп матери, педагога с ВО + доплаты = 75+- рублей ... А тенниска! Очки, там хорошо если в 500 деревянных влезешь, в 1987 то году. А музыка ГЕНИАЛЬНА - это уровень не ниже западных топов, тех лет.

1 месяц назад
Feel like I lost a close friend. He got me threw some tough times in High school. This is the first time someone I have never met death has made me so emotionally f'ed up

Sparc Mac
2 weeks ago
I ate ass to this song once in the rain

Europe's Many Faces
10 months ago
I don't think anybody is gonna read this, but I'd like to share it anyway.

This summer I did a trip around Europe by train. Unfortunately we couldn't take the fast train from Paris to Barcelona, so we had to go with a night train, which was already delayed a couple of hours due to an electrical problem. When it finally arrived my friend and I found out, that we at least got our own little cabin for ourselves and we thought we got very lucky, but it turned out, that we just got it because 4 out of 6 beds in there were broken. So he took the bottom left one, and I took the middle right one. He almost immediately fell asleep, but I couldn't since the window wasn't closing fully and I got all the wind from outside directly into my face (or onto my feet if I turned around). I was twisting and turning for a couple of hours until I gave up and just accepted I wasn't going to sleep that night. Meanwhile we were already in the south of France where the mountains start to arise. It was still pretty dark but you could start to see some shadows and reflections of the landscape and the lakes. I couldn't help but think this is something special and I took out my headphones and listened to this song while waiting for the sun to rise in the distance as we travelled through the mountains towards the Spanish border.

I will never forget this feeling. This moment. This atmosphere.

Жизненная позиция

Главное в жизни

Совершенствование мира

Главное в людях

Ум и креативность

Отношение к курению


Отношение к алкоголю




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