Страница Alexander Merz ВКонтакте

Фотография Alexander Merz ВКонтакте

Alexander Merz

Москва, Россия
Статус: 😺my soul😺

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Дата рождения

25 июня

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11 июня 2024 в 06:11

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Лицей №3

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Параметры профиля

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Школа № 28, 1982 – 2023


Centre franco-biélorusse 2009
Общевойсковой факультет

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Семейное положение


Интересы и увлечения

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╠═══════════════════════════════ ╠► Страна:Россия ╠► Облость: Москва ╠► ╠ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ╠►глаза:[карие] ╠ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ╠►Телосложение:[нормальное] ╠ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ╠►:[(̅̅̅̅̅̅(̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅̅_̅()ڪے.НЕ КУРЮ] "" ╠═══════════════════════════════ ╠►[со странички не копировать-Убью!!!] ╠ ╠►[Если не отвечаю- Занят] ╠ ╠►[Отвечаю только элите ✔] ╠ ╠►[не дарю подарки,ток особым ✔ ] ╠══════════════════════════════█▒ █▒ █████▒ ► Пью✔ █▒ █▒ █▒ ► Курю✔ ████▒ ███▒ ► Матюгаюсь✔ █▒ █▒ █▒ ► Делаю глупых вещей✔ █▒ █▒ █████▒ ► Правда всё это =))))✔Это про меня))

Мои интересы


Любимые телешоу

Гарри Поттер-Крик-1-2-3__-__Всякие Ужастики короче много чего нормального-Вон-Хелсинг Перси Джексон и похититель молний, 2012, 13 Район 2, Чёрная молния, Наша Раша яйца судьбы, Ljubov.v.bolshom.gorode.2, Pandorum, Garri.Potter.i.Printz.Polukrovka

Любимые книги

Comedy club, Вечерний квартал..))) Леся+Рома, M20, Comedi club, КВН, Невероятное но факт, Наша Раша, Голые и смешные, 95 квартал, КВН!!!:))))) The CBS, Evening News with Walter Cronkite A, Charlie Brown, Christmas Cheers, The Cosby Show, The Daily Show, Dallas, The Day After Deadwood, The Dick Van Dyke, Show Dragnet, The Ed Sullivan Show, rostishka, The Ernie Kovacs, Show Felicity, Freaks and Geeks, The French Chef, Friends G - M, General Hospital, The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show, Gilmore Girls, Gunsmoke, Hill Street, Blues Homicide:, Life on the Street, The Honeymooners I, , Claudius, I Love Lucy King of the Hill, The Larry Sanders, Show Late, Night with David, Letterman (NBC) Leave, It to Beaver, Lost Married, With Children, Mary Hartman, The Mary, Tyler Moore, Show M*A*S*H, The Monkees Monty, Python’s Flying, Circus Moonlighting, MTV 1981-1992, rostishka, My So-Called Life, Mystery Science, Theater 3000 N - S The Odd Couple, The Office [American], The Office [British], The Oprah, Winfrey Show, Pee Wee’s Playhouse, Playhouse 90, The Price Is Right, Prime Suspect, The Prisoner, The Real World Rocky and His Friends Roots Roseanne, Sanford and Son Saturday, Night Live Second City, rostishka, Television See It, Now Seinfeld Sesame, Street Sex and the City, The Shield, The Simpsons, The Singing, Detective Six Feet, Under Soap The Sopranos, South Park, SpongeBob, SquarePants SportsCenter, Star Trek St. Elsewhere, The Super Bowl (and the Ads) Survivor T - Z Taxi, The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, The Twilight Zone Twin Peaks, The West Wing What’s My Line?, WKRP in Cincinnati, The Wire Wiseguy, The X-Files, The CBS, Evening News with Walter Cronkite A, Charlie Brown, Christmas Cheers, The Cosby Show, The Daily Show, Dallas, The Day After Deadwood, The Dick Van Dyke, Show Dragnet, The Ed Sullivan Show, The Ernie Kovacs, Show Felicity, Freaks and Geeks, The French Chef, Friends G - M, General Hospital, The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show, Gilmore Girls, Gunsmoke, Hill Street, Blues Homicide:, Life on the Street, The Honeymooners I, , Claudius, I Love Lucy King of the Hill, The Larry Sanders, Show Late, Night with David, Letterman (NBC) Leave, It to Beaver, Lost Married, With Children, Mary Hartman, The Mary, Tyler Moore, Show M*A*S*H, The Monkees Monty, Python’s Flying, Circus Moonlighting, MTV 1981-1992, My So-Called Life, Mystery Science, Theater 3000 N - S The Odd Couple, The Office [American], The Office [British], The Oprah, Winfrey Show, Pee Wee’s Playhouse, Playhouse 90, The Price Is Right, Prime Suspect, The Prisoner, The Real World Rocky and His Friends Roots Roseanne, Sanford and Son Saturday, Night Live Second City, Television See It, Now Seinfeld Sesame, Street Sex and the City, The Shield, The Simpsons, The Singing, Detective Six Feet, Under Soap The Sopranos, South Park, SpongeBob, rostishka, SquarePants SportsCenter, Star Trek St. Elsewhere, The Super Bowl (and the Ads) Survivor T - Z Taxi, The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, The Twilight Zone Twin Peaks, The West Wing What’s My Line?, WKRP in Cincinnati, The Wire Wiseguy, The X-Files, The CBS, Evening News with Walter Cronkite A, Charlie Brown, Christmas Cheers, The Cosby Show, The Daily Show, Dallas, The Day After Deadwood, The Dick Van Dyke, Show Dragnet, The Ed Sullivan Show, The Ernie Kovacs, Show Felicity, Freaks and Geeks, The French Chef, Friends G - M, General Hospital, The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show, Gilmore Girls, Gunsmoke, Hill Street, Blues Homicide:, Life on the Street, The Honeymooners I, , Claudius, I Love Lucy King of the Hill, The Larry Sanders, Show Late, Night with David, Letterman (NBC) Leave, It to Beaver, Lost Married, With Children, rostishka, Mary Hartman, The Mary, Tyler Moore, Show M*A*S*H, The Monkees Monty, Python’s Flying, Circus Moonlighting, MTV 1981-1992, My So-Called Life, Mystery Science, Theater 3000 N - S The Odd Couple, The Office [American], The Office [British], The Oprah, Winfrey Show, Pee Wee’s Playhouse, Playhouse 90, The Price Is Right, Prime Suspect, The Prisoner, The Real

Любимая музыка

Не поверишь, вся xD

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